
Traditional Japanese Interior Design - Bamboo

If you've ever seen a tall golden stalks of bamboo in the forest or in photographs, you may be surprised to learn that the grass is. very fast growing, tall grass. While 'dwarf' bamboo grows at less than the foot, some actually grow 100 feet!

Bamboo is attractive, sturdy and pliable, and is the preferred plant is used in making wicker furniture. (It also provides the desired food Giant Panda, but that's another story .)

Once the timber has been properly treated to prevent insect, bamboo forms a very tough hard it can be used in fences, canes, toys, musical instruments, clothes, and much more, including a decorative basket.

Bamboo grows in many countries around the world such as China, Japan and Indonesia, and each country has its own traditional methods of weaving baskets. So if you're thinking of adding a decorative bamboo basket or two in your home decor, you can go with traditional designs in your area, or buy something unique from any other country.

, bamboo-woven baskets are works of art in its own right, and can stand on its own as a decorative piece. But they are primarily functional, and can be used for various purposes, from holding various knicknackery to set off the plants or flowers placed inside.

Do not just go to the local store and buy the first you see the basket. If you search the web you can find hundreds of examples of intricately woven baskets that will impress you with its beauty. Even if your home is furnished with 'oriental motif', as the traditional single artwork that will stand out and complement its surroundings.

Since bamboo baskets can be so beautiful, it's no surprise that it takes a long time to learn a trade. It can take artists to ten years, only to learn to master the art of weaving bamboo. However, if you want to make your own baskets, do not despair, there are many resources that will show you how to work with bamboo.

Books such as Basket Book: Over 30 Magnificent Baskets to do and enjoy, Handmade Baskets: From Nature colorful materials, and Craft & Art of Bamboo: Projects for the home and garden are written for beginners and simple designs to begin with.

On the Internet, web bamboocraft is chock-full of links to every possible item you could want to know about bamboo and art work with it and create everything from furniture to baskets to clothing! It includes a message forum, so that like-minded dealers can get together to exchange stories, tips and techniques.

The American Bamboo Society americanbamboo is another excellent resource - and it provides links to companies around the world, from Mexico to Europe to Australia to China and Japan. There is a huge network out there for those who wanted to learn how to make a nice bamboo basket ... or appreciate those who have.