
How To Make Your Little City Space A Home: Urban Home Design

Real estate prices in urban areas are known for being incredibly high. For the same price that could afford you a five bedroom house in a rural area, you may be able to get a one bedroom apartment in a city like New York or San Francisco. Because of this inescapable fact of real estate, many people who yearn to live in urban areas are forced to cope with living quarters, the ... well ... unglamorous to say the least. Fortunately, the interior design experts have compiled a list of cute tricks for urban home designer. If you read closely, you can turn your wardrobe a little town in a beautiful place to live!

1 Emphasize pretty, hide the ugly. This is important when trying to work on a small area and within a small budget to work with what you have. In other words, it emphasizes the good things about the apartment to conceal less-than-attractive elements. For example, if the paint is peeling off the walls and molding in some places, and then conceal them. You can paint over the rough spots, or hang things such as posters, tapestries and other art to decorate over the piling. If your apartment has other adverse features, like the old linoleum or tile stains on the floor or ceiling from water damage, try strategically placing furniture or carpets on the damaged area. In addition, do not forget to highlight the good qualities of space. If there are hooks to hang pots and pans in the kitchen, and then use them. If there is a built-in shelves, or antique refrigerator, bath, or oven, then let those elements shine through unhindered in the room.

2 Use light to your advantage. If you have gotten themselves a place in the urban area, then your access to natural light is likely to be limited. Often, a residential high-rise buildings block the light from the window adjacent buildings. Also, rooms in small apartments are small (duh!) so they often have only one small window, if any. That being said, use natural light to have access to your apartment feel bigger and lighter. Make sure you arrange furniture in rooms to block the least amount of natural light possible. Also, be aware of where the light hits the walls and place a bright and colorful objects out there to maximize the reflection of light.

3 Create stylish storage space. One of the biggest problems small, city apartment? Not enough storage space! If you have a pile of clothes to hang, and minimal closet space, then it's time to get creative way to store your wardrobe. Keep your closet space for the bulkiest items, such as heavy winter coats, and for the rest, get yourself some metal, heavy-duty clothes racks to hang your stuff in the open! This idea is particularly good for a colorful and interesting items of clothing, such as entertainment jackets, dresses and flannel shirts. This will solve the problem of closet space, and also add your own modern aesthetic of the room.

With this simple but effective interior design tips, you can make the most of your small town living space. In this way, you can enjoy all the excitement of his life in the big, bad city, and still feel like you're coming back every night in your very own cozy, little home.