
Home Staging - How Much Is Just Enough?

So, you decided to invest several hundred dollars to prepare your home for sale. But how much should you budget? How much home staging is enough? And what are the priorities?

These are the questions I often meet with clients. The answer is - it depends! Every house and every situation is unique creatures, so that the approach to staging your property. But we will try to give you some general rules and tips that will help you evaluate what needs to be done to sell your house quickly and for the most money.

On average, you should spend between 0, 5% and 1% of the property's market price on fixing up and staging.

How do you decide where would your money go? A good starting point is to walk through your house and examine each room - be critical and objective. If the room looks small, cluttered and / or unclean, put it on "to do " list. If you notice things that need repair, your visitors will also, and put the items to be fixed to "do " list as well (cracked and chipped paint, dirty old carpet, broken door / closet handles, missing / broken lights, doors that do not close properly, missing / broken tiles, etc.). clean, bright, spacey and freshly painted house is already an excellent start for your home staging project! Actually, you're 80% done in that time.

Others are the finishing touch to your property from ordinary to Wow. Depersonalizing, optimize your living space, as well as adding a few tasteful accessories will ensure that your home looks its best and is ready for the dozens of potential buyers. If you can not stage the whole house, focus on key areas: entrance / hallway (this is where the first impressions start), living room, dining room, kitchen and master bedroom. If you can, to stage a bathroom as well. Do not forget the outside -. Make sure it looks clean and kept up the

In general, when the scaffolding, the golden rule of "less is more. " It sounds obvious but it is not, especially if you live in the house. So, if in doubt, ask your realtor or a professional consultant to test your hands - Staging services are very expensive, as well as a few hours of their time is usually sufficient and it will be worth the money because they will return to you many times more in sales time. Stage your house - sell your house
